Eiley Solaris

Sweet | Sassy | Intelligent

Her Story

An accomplished adventurer and healer, Eiley is recognized as an expert by all four schools of healing across Hydaelyn. Her soft voice and sweet demeanor are sure to make you feel at ease, but there's more than meets the eye when it comes to this young woman.Eiley spent the first few years of her life as an orphan on the streets of Ul'dah, living hand to mouth under the harsh, poverty-stricken underbelly of the city. However, tragedy would turn into a joyous meeting on one fateful evening. After enjoying one of the occasional hot meals offered to her by Momodi at The Quicksand, Eiley would be ambushed by a gang of thugs, bent on kidnapping her and selling her into slavery. However, the thugs would be quickly attacked and driven away by a young Miqo'te woman, clad in a suit of armor similar to those worn by gladiators who fought in the arena. The woman tended to Eiley with a caring tenderness she'd never known before, causing Eiley to feel a sense of familiarity towards this stranger. The gladiator identified herself as Ilithyia Solaris, who offered to let the young Eiley stay at Ilithyia's home until recovered from her injuries, promising hot meals and a safe, warm bed for doing so. Again unsure why this person felt so familiar to her, an overwhelming feeling of trust towards Ilithyia caused Eiley to accept the offer. Eiley's stay would extend far beyond the time needed to recover, forming a family-like bond with Ilithyia in the process. This would eventually lead to Eiley accompanying Ilithyia to the city's registar. When asked the child's name, Ilithyia would respond with words that would etch themselves in Eiley's mind forever: "Her name is Eiley Solaris; she's my daughter."Eiley would spend the next few years under the tutelage of her new mother, learning basics such as reading, writing, arithmetic, cooking, and even swordplay. Ilithyia would be pleasantly surprised when during this time, she would discover that Eiley was extremely gifted at aetheric manipulation and able to cast basic offensive and healing magicks by simply reading about them in the books in Ilithyia's library.Eiley's teenage years would be spent on the road, adventuring with Ilithyia, who'd recently become a Free Paladin. During this time, Eiley would hone her skills with magic and support Ilithyia in combat with healing and offensive magic, becoming an official member of every Eorzean healing school upon the two visiting the guilds' respective cities.Once old enough to venture on her own, Eiley would hone her skills even further, earning several notable accolades in the process: the Conjurers' Guild of Gridania would recognize her as the second non-Padjal White Mage in the history of the craft, the Arcanists' Guild of Limsa Lominsa would credit her with being the individual responsible for the rediscovery and resurrection of the lost battle arts of the Nymian Scholars, and the Athenaeum Astrologicum of Ishgard would recognize her as a master of Astromancy. Following the events of The Final Days, in which she served as both a frontline healer and healer for fleeing refugees, she would become the first foreign student of The Studium to receive a degree in Somanoutics; graduating as Valedictorian of the class with highest honors.During her time in Sharlayan, she would befriend a Miqo'te woman by the name of Azure Sopheria, who served The Forum of Old Sharlayan as a Gleaner. Due to Azure's flirtatious nature and her subtle, but consistent attempts to woo Eiley, the two's friendship would blossom into a romance that eventually culminated into the couple traveling to Gridania and undergoing the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding. Thanks to Azure's unique anatomy, Eiley soon found herself with child shortly after their honeymoon, eventually giving birth to their son, Maximilian.Today, Eiley enjoys a life that follows in the footsteps of the woman who raised her; balancing a life of adventure with that of being a mother, showing "Maxi" the same tender, unconditional love that Ilithyia showed her as a child. Whether on the road with Ilithyia or at home with her wife and son, a mother's love has always been the driving force in the amazing life of this extraordinary woman.


Name Pronunciation: (EYE-lee)
Age: 24
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual (feminine lean)
Height: 5' 1"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black with Pink Highlights
Occupation: Healer/Adventurer
Hobbies: Performing Music(as the anonymous masked bard "Tali")
Mixology, Studying History


Ilithyia Solaris: Adopted Mother
Azure Sopheria: Spouse
Maximilian Solaris: Son
Elluth Pridestep: Childhood Friend
Jace Strayrune: Adventuring Comrade
Elias Aruna: Family Friend
Zuzusa Zusa: Friend/Coworker